
A bit of stop motion fun

One of the things that I enjoy about woodworking is making pepper grinders. They are a bit of a challenge in particular with my lathe which is under-powered for the job. This doesn't stop me it just takes longer. I have my eye on a larger lathe with a little more grunt. I have been preparing some blanks for the next round of pepper grinders and I decided to have a crack at a short stop motion video. Spur of the moment without too much planning. I got he idea from watching Frank Howarth's YouTube videos check out his web site www.frankmakes.com. He does quite a few stop motion videos. He has also produced a few behind the scenes videos showing some of what he does including the equipment he uses. Taking my que from Frank Howarth I set up my DSLR a Nikon D40x on a tripod and started shooting. I took about 70 photos and imported them into my video editing program. I use Pinnacle Studio 17. A bit of background music and some effects so voila.  

By |February 19th, 2014|Categories: Woodturning|0 Comments

Lathe setup

The attached video shows my lathe setup and an overview of a pepper grinder being turned. The lathe steady is far from ideal but it only only cost $29. It did require a little wrangling to make it fit the bed of my lathe. I intend to make a larger steady out of plywood and use roller blade wheels. The lathe is under powered for 10 inch pepper grinders but I still managed to make it.  However in the best traditions working from home you make the best of what you have. It takes longer than I would like but luckily I enjoy turning. I filmed the entire thing on my iPhone 5 and uploaded it to YouTube. I haven't uploaded a YouTube video for while. There is now a basic video editor. This means that I was able to stitch together four short clips. Pretty basic but did the trick.   y 

By |December 28th, 2013|Categories: Woodturning|0 Comments
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