Just noticed that I haven’t posted anything here for quite a while, since January 1st. I have been too busy working and doing things in the shed to find time for posting. I have made some benches and a whole lot of drawers to better organise my tools and stuff.

I watch quite a few YouTube channels that feature a variety of woodworkers. Many of theses content creators, love the jargon, spend quite a bit of time on projects for their workshops. I must be guilty of the same except that I never seem to have the time to make a video or even compile the few photos that I take on my mobile phone.

I keep promising myself that I will get around to creating some content. Perhaps I am just too busy to have time to edit and bung the stuff up on YouTube or whatever.

The Bench pictured in this post was created in Sketchup. It been useful creating specfic projects using Sketchup. In the case of the bench it did speed up the build. Mostly because I used the dimensions from the scale model which took some of the guess work and on the fly  calculations out. The internal shelf was modified so this is in fact version 2.0. I then took the time to revise the sketchup model to reflect the changes.


Grinder Bench