I bought these three planes from an online site the sale included three planes at $30 so that’s $10 each. I really wanted the No 7 so the two No4 planes  were a bonus.  The No4 planes are a Stanley /Bailey made  in Australia and an English made Record. All are rusty and dirty but otherwise seem to be in basically good condition. The No4 Stanley has a crack in the tote or handle. The No7 has a plastic tote but the forward handle is timber so I will make another. I have bought these to use rather restore and stick them in a cupboard.


I found some websites that were helpful and interesting Hans Brunner Tools has lots of information about the Bailey / Stanley handplanes. I also came across a site dedicated to Record Hand Tools which is full of useful information about theses tools. Additionally there is this video from Jay Bates  shows how he tackles a hand plane restoration.  Finally if you want to make your own tote there is a template available from Lee Valley tools  which includes  a diagram and instructions.