The ongoing saga of getting the shed set up. I’m just a month short of 2 years since we moved into our new house. During this time I put in a concrete floor in the shed and built a new rear wall. I’ve been slowly adding benches and storage. I think now the end is in sight. I’m gradually unpacking all my tools and I can now find things.
I managed to get a steel frame to put my drill press on. It is an open frame and I’ve been able to make a set of drawers to fit underneath. I have used melamine covered chipboard as It’s a relatively cheap material and strong and easy to cut up on the table saw. I have connected it all with confirmat screws which hold the drawer and cupboard together much more strongly than chipboard screws.
I had also built a 600 mm wide cupboard to fill a space in the shed but much to my horror the drawers would never run properly. I just assembled the drawers and discovered that I’d cut the base out of square. I have a Bosch GTS contractor saw which for the most part works well. But when you go beyond 33 cm width in cutting you have to rely on a secondary fence. I seem to be in the habit of forgetting to lock that secondary fence which means that the fence drifts while I’m cutting. This explained why I hadn’t cut the basis of the two drawers very accurately.
I was able to reuse the material from these two drawers in making the above mentioned cover to fit under the drill press stand. Along with remaking the out of square draws I’m nearly complete with storage. Until I think of something else.